Iverhart Plus vs Sentinel

As a dog parent, your dog’s health is an important factor. Choosing the best parasite and heartworm preventative for your pup plays a key role in keeping him or her protected, happy, and healthy. Iverhart Plus and Sentinel are a couple of the top vet-recommended treatment options. Each product has a unique set of advantages, and these medications differ in many ways. Keep reading to learn how they compare!

Iverhart Plus for Dogs

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What are the differences between Iverhart Plus and Sentinel?

These products share a few key similarities. Both formulas are effective in protecting dogs against heartworms, roundworms, and hookworms. Both products come in the form of a chewable tablet. Iverhart Plus features a pork flavor, while Sentinel offers a beef flavor. Both of these medications are prescription-only, once-monthly treatments.

Both products are also safe for use in pregnant dogs, breeding dogs, and puppies. Iverhart Plus can be given to puppies as young as 6 weeks old, while Sentinel is safe for puppies ages 4 weeks and up. Sentinel is also proven safe for use in lactating dogs.

These effective medications contain different active ingredients. Iverhart Plus features Pyrantel Pamoate and Ivermectin. Sentinel offers Milbemycin Oxime and Lufenuron. Sentinel also differs from Iverhart Plus because it offers additional parasite protection. It defends against whipworms, and it also breaks the flea life cycle by inhibiting the development of flea larvae and eggs.

How to choose between Iverhart Plus and Sentinel

If you’re searching for a safe and effective way to protect your dog against heartworms, hookworms, and roundworms, you can’t go wrong with either of these medications. However, a few simple questions might help you decide on the one that’s best for your dog.

  • Do you have a puppy between 4 and 6 weeks old or a lactating dog? If so, Sentinel is the safest choice.
  • Do you already give your dog a flea and tick preventative? Flea and tick prevention is a critical part of keeping your dog healthy. If your pup is not currently taking such a medication, you might opt for Sentinel to protect your dog against fleas. If your dog is already taking a similar medication, you might choose Iverhart Plus instead.

Talk to your veterinarian about these and any other parasite preventatives you’re considering. Your vet can help you choose the option that’s right for your dog and your family. If you think of any other questions or concerns about these or any other GiantEaglePetRx product, reach out to our pharmacists for a pet parent consultation!

Feature Iverhart Plus Sentinel
Kills Fleas No No
Repels Fleas No No
Kills Flea Eggs and Larvae No Stops development
Kills Ticks No No
Repels Ticks No No
Repels Mosquitoes No No
Prevents Heartworm Yes Yes
Other Parasites Hookworms and Roundworms Roundworms, Whipworms, and Hookworms
Waterproof Yes since taken orally Yes
How Long to work N/A Breaks cycle of fleas and eggs. Does not kill existing flea infestation.
Taste Pork Flavored Savory Beef
Active Ingredient Ivermectin and Pyrantel Pamoate Milbemycin Oxime and Lufenuron
RX Required Yes Yes
Application Type Chewable Tablet Chewable Tablet
Dosing 1 tablet per month 1 tablet per month
Age Dogs 6 weeks and olde Dogs 4 weeks and older
Manufacturer Merck Animal Health Virbac
Safety Safe for pregnant or breeding females. Safe for pregnant or breeding females.